As you already know, GIPTables Firewall is free software, distribuited under GNU General Public License. Gerhard Mourani <gmourani@openna.com> had the ideea of this project, and I gave it life. I am developing & maintaining it in my free time, nobody pays me for doing this job. Also I will not pay anybody for promoting this software (to display GIPTables Firewall banners, for example). The purpose of the GIPTables Firewall is to help you generating those iptables rules that cause you headeaches so far. I have tried to make this job as easy as possible, but of corse there might be problems, and I will try to help you using it as much as possible. OpenNA is the main sponsor (thanks again, OpenNA) of this project by providing webhosting for the project homepage. Starting with BETA3 version, the OpenNA Linux includes GIPTables Firewall. The next release of the Gerhard's book will also contain a chapter about installing & configuring GIPTables Firewall. I hope that GIPTables Firewall will finally solve all requirement that we could need for a secure, complete, powerful and working firewall software on Linux. Any improvement, recommendation, suggestion, bug, addition, etc are more than welcome and should be reported to me. If you would like to send me feedback about this project, please write an email to: Adrian Pascalau <apascalau@openna.com> Also, if you would like to sponsor this project, please click here. Thanks
What people are saying about GIPTables Firewall: Thank you for your work on giptables. I have been reading books, web sites, reviewing examples, looking at other firewall setup/maintenance programs and yours is the best combination of documentation and functionality that I have seen. Very nicely done! Dale Morin